Friday, September 23, 2011

How Do You Get Rid Of Kankles??

Click To Get Rid Of Kankles
How Do You Get Rid Of Kankles?

How do you get rid of kankles? Until now there  has not been a simple answer to this question....

This article goes over the basics of what you need to do in order to answer the question, how do you get rid of kankles. There is more in depth information out there (see the website at the bottom of this article).

The key to getting rid of your kankles involves tackling them from several angles at once.
Here I'll be letting you in on how you can get rid of your kankles from 3 different angles to ensure they disappear for good!

1. Losing Weight

In order to get rid of your kankles, the first thing you often need to do is lose weight.
This does not apply to everyone, so if you're not overweight, skip this step - there are other ways to lose your kankles and you don't need to put your health at risk.

If you are overweight, however, you can take a few simple steps to lose excess fat, thus allowing you to reduce the appearance of your kankles.

• Try cutting down on your sugar intake, as eating too much can increase your blood sugar levels and cause your body to store more fat in order to lower them.
• Always make time for breakfast.
• Eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
• Try to get 20 minutes of light exercise 6 days of the week (getting a miniature trampoline to bounce around on is a great idea, as it is a great workout and lots of fun)
• Try to make meals from as few ingredients as possible - check the packaging too as you may be surprised at what goes into a normal looking chicken breast!

2. Preventing Water Retention

If you've noticed that your kankles appear puffy and the skin is shiny and stretched, you are highly likely to be suffering with water retention. This can be prevented by making some simple changes to your lifestyle, which can drastically affect the appearance of your kankles in days!

• Be sure to walk around for a couple of minutes every hour of the day as this helps to stop fluid gathering in your lower legs. If this is not possible, try to at least ensure that you are not sat in the exact same position for longer than an hour.
• Drink lots of water to help your body's lymphatic system do its job and drain away excess fluids.
• Cut down on your salt intake - check food labels
• Try to get a half hour's swimming in 6 days a week, or, if you can't bear the thought of swimming, try cycling, rowing or walking to encourage circulation.
• Put your feet up for 20 minutes or so each day (I'm sure you can find time for this one!) to encourage water retained in your ankles to drain and be expelled by your body.

3. Toning and Strengthening The Lower Legs

Part of the joy of having kankles is that there is no definition between the calf and ankle because of a lack of muscle in that area. Thankfully, there are some easy exercises you can do to work out the calf muscles and tone up your ankles at the same time.

To start off with, I would recommend trying the Heel / Toe Walk. You simply walk from one end of a room on just your heels, and back on just your toes, then repeat it until you can feel your muscles getting fatigued.
Doing a targeted exercise like this twice a day, six days of the week will really help to shape up your lower legs and diminish your kankles.

What Next?

So there you have it, an easy, three-sided approach for you to get rid of your kankles in mere weeks.
Give it a try and you'll be baring your legs in no time!
If you would like more information and help with losing your kankles, visit this great website for more information.

Click Here: How Do You Get Rid Of Kankles

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