Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fat Ankles Kankles - The Truth About Skinny Ankles

Fat Ankles Kankles

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Fat ankles or kankles (more commonly spelled 'cankles') are a real problem for many people - mostly women. There are plenty of people who think this is just a weight issue but it is not, there are plenty of very slim women who have kankles.

There are 3 main reasons that cause fat ankles kankles.

Poor Blood Circulation
Ankle Fitness

Did you know there are dozens of small muscles in the ankle region? And did you know that there are specific stretches and strengthening exercises you can do for these muscles? And did you know that doesn't mean a hill of beans if the other two issues are not addressed?

The primary cause for kankles is poor blood circulation. For a lot of people this is a minor genetic condition (this is why your doctor tells you that this is just the way you are and nothing can be done). This is also why your feet feel cold all the time.

The truth is that through proper nutrition and the right sort of very easy stretches and targeted exercises, you can and will improve the blood circulation in your ankles and feet. And this is the primary and most important step to finally getting rid of those fat ankles (kankles).

The nutrition part is easy to. And when I say nutrition I am not talking about a starvation diet or some weird only eat canned tuna diet. In fact diets like those actually work against losing your kankles.

No what I am talking about is eating a healthy diet of good tasting foods where some of them are specifically thrown in to give you what you need to improve your blood circulation. Again, the nutrition part alone will not save you from your fat ankles!

How do I know all this? Because I am a fat ankle (or kankle (even more commonly spelled cankles)) survivor. I had ankles that looked like plumbing pipes, there was absolutely no definition at all - just one straight line from basically my knee to my foot.

After doing every short of cutting my legs off i just happened to stumble across a website that gave information about another website that offered a program that is specifically designed to help people like me (and you if you are reading this) to lose those kankles forever.

This program says it is the only one of its kind, and from what I have seen this is true. The program is easy to get, just download from the internet and inexpensive, cost me about forty dollars. The thing that made me feel OK about spending the money (since I had been ripped off so many times before on fix it fast cures) was that it came with a full money back guarantee.

I am glad I bought it. The program is easy, takes about 10 minutes out of each day. The nutrition part is tasty and fun. My fat ankles starting to go away with in weeks and in just a few short months they were gone altogether. And you know what? I feel healthier all over.

Yes my kankles are gone, but I will continue to make this program a part of my daily life. See the link below for more info.

Click Here: Fat Ankles, Kankles

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