Monday, September 12, 2011

Does Cankle Liposuction Work For Getting Rid Of Ankle Fat?

Cankle Liposuction

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Don't get Cankle Liposuction Surgery or pay another doctor until you read this!  The truth is that for most people, cankle liposuction is not a permanent solution for losing cankles.

Do you have a lot of ankle fat, or Cankles as it is some times called? Have tried diets and exercise to no avail? Cankle Liposuction may seem like a viable last gasp solution, but it is Not!

Cankle Liposuction is surgery, and painful surgery at that. It is not covered under most insurance policies and it is expensive. Not only that but there is no guarantee that it will even be a permanent solution. In fact most women have there ankle fat (cankles) return in less than one year!

You may be wondering how I know all this and that is a fair question. I had very fat ankles. My calfs and ankles looked like a plumbing pipe, there was absolutely no definition between the two. For years I tries all sorts of diets from reasonable ones to fad diets that required me starving my self. I spent thousands on gym memberships and personal trainers. Went to nutritionists and acupuncturists. And yes I even tried cankle liposuction.

The surgery was very painful and the process was time consuming. The doctor told me that I was guaranteed to lose the fat. A year later when it was back I called him and he told me to read the surgery disclaimer that I had signed and sure enough it described how in most cases the ankle fat reduction was only temporary. That was not the best thirty two hundred dollars I had ever spent. In fact it was about fifty percent of my total savings.

So there I was one year after cankle liposuction surgery with my fat ankles resolved that I would just have to wear long pants for ever and ever and never go to the beach or a swimming pool again. That is when I met my cousins friend. Some how we got on the topic of cosmetic surgery and I told her my story and then she told me hers. It was almost identical to mine! The difference was that she had beautiful thin legs and ankles.

I begged her to tell me how she did it (although I did not have to beg) and she did. She told me that she was surfing the web looking for some medical information on cankles when she came upon a website that said it offered the only program in the world specifically designed to get rid of cankles.

Well as you could imagine I wanted to know all about it. We pulled out my computer and looked it up and I spent the forty dollars right there. Forty dollars! Here I was spending thousands and thousands and the real solution only cost forty dollars!

It is a very simple program that deals with he three main causes of cankles. Turns out the number one offender is poor blood circulation (that is why meet always seemed to be cold.

With in just a few weeks of following this very simple program I saw a very noticeable improvement and it was only a few very short months after that and my cankles were gone! No More Ankle Fat! And no more cankle liposuction surgery!

It has been over a year now and I am still doing the basic things the program taught me to do, it takes about ten minutes a day.

The best thing I can tell you is that if you are thinking about ankle liposuction, before you do, spend forty bucks on this program. It has a money back guarantee (which you will not need) and it works. If it does not work spend the thousands on painful ankle liposuction surgery and see how that works out for you.

Click Here: Don't Get Cankle Liposuction Surgery

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