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How to reduce Kankles?
I know because I struggled with reducing my kankles for years. I tried about every remedy possible to reduce kankles short of surgery, and I was seriously considering that. Thankfully the solution for my kankles was presented to me, almost out of the blue, just in the nick of time. What is this solution? It is a simple program that I got out of an E Book that addresses what actually causes kankles and how to counteract those causes.
Most people think the way I do, that kankles are just fat calves and ankles or that it is a genetic condition and nothing can be done about it - neither is true.
The truth is that kankles are caused by four main conditions, I am going to touch on them briefly but the most important thing to know is that these issues need to be dealt with in concert in order to effectively reduce kankles, treating one or two will not get the job done:
Poor Blood Circulation
Water Retention
Do your feet feel cold even when the room you are in is warm? My used to all the time and this is a good indicator that you may have a blood circulation issue in your lower legs. This condition is caused by various reasons from tightness in the muscles and ligaments to your diet.
Water retention is another big cause of kankles and usually has to do with salt intake. Limiting the amount of sodium in your diet will help alot.
When I say fitness I am not talking about running marathons or going to the gym for four or five hours a day. No, I am talking about basic fitness and particularly strengthening and stretching the dozens of muscles and ligaments in the ankle area. This also ties back into the blood circulation issue. There are very simple stretches and exercises that you can do in your home that only take a few minutes each day - and you know what, they feel good.
In order to get this program working and reduce kankles, there is a specific, albeit wide ranging, nutrition program that needs to be followed. don't worry we are not talking about starving yourself or eating weird foods, we are talking about a healthy diet that supports diminishing the other 3 causes of kankles (remember how I said they were all tied together?).
OK. So how do you use this information to reduce kankles? I am afraid there is not enough room in this article to really go over it and besides I am not the expert I am only someone who has followed the program and now my kankles are gone - so I know it works.
The E Book does not cost very much and it is guaranteed. If you want to know more you can go to for a more in depth review of this reduce kankles system, I hope you do.
Click Here And Reduce Kankles
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